List of series of teachings
የተከታታይ ትምህርት ዝርዝር
Level 1- New believer series (ደረጃ 1 ፡አዳዲስ ምዕመና)
1) Salvation of the soul including deliverance from the power of sin, separation from the world and from the power of satan (የደህንነት ትምህርት- ከያጢአት ሃይል፡ ከዓለም እንዲሁም ከሰይጣን ነጻመውጣት)
2) Baptism (የውሃ ጥምቀት)
3) Separation from the old man and its nature (ከአሮጌው ኑሮ እና ማንነት መላቀ)
4) Becoming part of the church (ቤተክርስትያንን መቀላቀል)
5) Baptism in fire and to be filled with the Holy Spirit (የእሳት ጥምቅት እና የመንፈስ ቅዱስ ሙላት)
6) Holy Communion or the Lord’s table (የጌታ እራት)
7) Prayer and the Will of God (ጸሎት እና የእግዚያብሄር ፈቃድ)
8) Biblical teachings of the Holy trinity (የስላሴ ትምህርት)
9) Interaction to the world and the limitations (ከዓለም ጋር ያለን ግንኙነት እና ልክ)
10) Biblical understandings of God’s kingdom (ስለ እግዚያብሄር መንግስት መጽሃፍ ቅዱሳዊ ግንዛቤ ማግኘት)
11) Bringing others to the kingdom of God (ሰዎችን ወደ እግዚያብሄር መንግስት ማምጣት)
12) The blood of Jesus and the accusation of the devil (የክርስቶስ ደም እና የሰይጣን ክስ)
13) The grace of God and not to sin again (የእዚያብሄር ጸጋ እና ዳግም ኅጢአትን አለመስራት)
Level 2 Discipleship (ደረጃ 2፡ ደቀመዝሙርነት)
1) The Christian Character (ክርስቲያናዊ ስነምግባር)
2) The church (ቤተክርስቲያን)
3) Spirituality and the new creation (መንፈሳዊነት እና የአዲሱ ፍጥረት ማንነት)
4) The suffering on the cross and impartation of the life of God (የመስቀሉ መከራ እና ክርስቶስን ህይወት መካፈል)
5) Knowing the will of God and doing it (የእግዚያብሄርን ፈቃድ ማወቅና ማድረግ)
6) Absolute dependence on God (በእግዚያብሄር ላይ ሙሉ በሙሉ መደጋፍ)
7) Adoption, inheritance and the inheritance we received from God (ልጅነት፡ ወራሽነት እና ከእግዚያብሄር የተቀበልነው ሰማያዊ ርስት (ውርስ) )
8) Great commission and witnessing/speaking to the spirit of men (ታላቁ ተለኮ እና ለመንፈስ መመስከር (ምስበክ፡ መናገር) )
9) God’s judgement (የእግዚያብሄር ፍርድ)
10) Creation of the world ( የአለማት ፍጥረት)
11) Eternal security and backsliding (ዘላለማዊ ደህንነት እና የመውደቅ እድል)
12) Laying hands (እጅ መጫን እና ፈው)
13) The priesthood of God’s kingdom ( የእግዚያብሄር መንግስትና ካህንነት)
Level 3 The Christian family (ደርጃ 3፡ ክርስቲያናዊ ቤተሰብ)
1) Marriage and God’s purpose (ጋብቻ እና የእግዚያብሄር እቅድ)
2) Family relationship for the benefit of God (ቤተሰባዊ ግንኙነት እና ለእግዚያብሄር ዓላማ መቆም)
3) Pregnant and nursing mothers and the compassion of God (እርጉዞችና የሚያጠቡ እናቶች እና የእግዚያብሄ ርህራሄ)
4) friendship and relationship stood for the purpose of God (ለእግዚያብሄር ጥቅም የቆመ ጓደኝነትና ዝምድና)
5) Ministering children, kids and teenagers (ህጻናትን፡ ልጆችንና ታዳጊዎችን ማገልገል)
6) How to raise and nurture Christian family (ክርስቲያን ልጆችን ማፍራትና ማሳደግ)
Level 4 leadership (ደረጃ 4፡ መሪነት)
1) Church leaders and the call of God (የቤተክርስቲያን መሪነት እና የእግዚያብሄር ምርጫ)
2) Spiritual authority and obedience (መንፈሳው ስልጣን እና መታዘዝ)
3) Eternal purpose of God for the Church (እግዚያብሄር ለቤተክርስቲያን ያለው ዘላዓለማዊ እቅድ)